Our Services
Pond & Water Feature Installation
Eco-Friendly Design
We would not be who we are without our eco-friendly design, which is at the core of our strategy. We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our capabilities when it comes to design and production through continuing education and certifications. We always start with your vision in mind and work with you to develop a design that works in your terrain. Give us a call to see how we can help you have your dream water feature!
Pond Maintenance
Keeping It Beautiful
Maintaining your pond can be simple and easy! It only takes a few minutes of your time every month. Unfortunately most people have not been properly educated in the steps necessary to do it correctly. We focus on educating our customers to take care of their own ponds if they choose. If not, we can provide a maintenance plan for you that provides quality clear water for your fish and your enjoyment. From opening, to closing, to cleaning, we have the education and equipment to do what you need.
Pond Repair
Where did my water go?
We get tons of calls from people whose pond suddenly has a significant loss of water. Whether it be a leak in your liner or plumbing, a crack in your skimmer or filter falls, or your rock has slid inside the pond, we can take care of finding the situation and fixing it for you.
Pond Renovation
My water feature is getting tired..
Maybe you'd like to upgrade or increase the size of your water feature to give it a new look. We would be glad to provide you with a free consultation visit to help you make your dream come true. Give us a call!
Water Quality & Clarity
Why are my fish acting strange or my water green?
Whether you have green water, string algae, your fish are behaving strangely something is out of balance in your ecosystem. Whatever the condition, we have the education, experience, and equipment to diagnose and test the problem and from there we can solve it. Some are solved instantly, others take time . Without experience, and simply guessing, you are often maing your problems worse. We follow the science so give us a call as soon as you notice a problem so we can come out and figure it out for you.
Lakes, Farm & Natural Ponds and Water Hazards
Knee Deep In What?
Whether your pond is so full of muck that you sink in it as if it were quicksand, the water is so murky that you can't see into it, or your golf ball is lost in the algae or weeds, let us come up with a natural program to get your body of water back on track. We employ the highest quality, and the latest technologic advances in biologic water treatment that deliver results. And, if you've got something that's broken, we'll fix it!